Negative Ions

What are Negative Ions?

Negative ions are oxygen atoms with an extra electron. Ions are charged particles formed in nature when enough energy acts upon a molecule (such as carbon dioxide, oxygen or nitrogen) to eject an electron from the molecule leaving a positively charged ion. The displaced electron attaches itself to a nearby molecule which then becomes a negatively charged ion. In fresh country air, it is common to find up to 4000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. By contrast, it is common to find that the number of negative ions in major cities at rush hour is less than 100

What are the effects of negative ions?

They cause harmful microscopic particles (called particulates) that are in the air to clump together. The negative ion attaches it self to the particulate molecule causing it to be weighed down and fall to the floor. Particulates encompass all forms of air pollution (smoke, chemical odors, carbon monoxide, bacteria, viruses, mold, etc.) Negative ions in the environment create a powerful antidote for many environmentally induced health problems such as allergies, respiratory ailments, headaches, and infections.

What causes negative ion reduction?

Many factors contribute to the reduction of negative ions. Any high concentration of polluted, static, or hot/dry air causes this. Examples of specific things that affect the negative ion count:

  • Florescent lighting
  • Electronic equipment
  • Static producing fibers
  • air conditioners
  • Electric heaters and other heating systems
  • Many plastics
  • Older TVs and monitors
  • Airflow from furnace ducts and HVAC systems