Salt Lamp Benefits

Touted as the most pollutant free form of salt on the earth, Himalayan salt contains over 84 minerals and trace elements. Found at locations so high there's not a trace of pollution or environmentally compromised material in the air, Himalayan salt is light years away from the chemically-altered salt reduced to a sodium and chloride mix most commonly found on grocery shelves and rarely touted as being beneficial to the human body.

Himalayan salt, some proclaim, approximates primal oceanic elements our bodies were exposed to during the earliest stages of man's evolution, which is why it claims to have so many healing properties when negative ions are disbursed from its crystals. To add to its mystique, authentic salt crystals come from the deepest mines on earth located under the foothills of the Himalayan Mountain range. Crystals are hand-harvested from mineral deposits on salt cave floors that have been dated by geologists to the Precambrian Age.

Some of the more dramatic claims include migraine headache relief, enhanced serotonin levels in the blood, reduced severity of asthma attacks, immune system enhancement, and reduced vulnerability to colds and flu’s. There is hard science to suggest that they’re true.

However, in a effort to avoid hyperbole and scientific debate, here is what we can tell you for sure:

1. They will release negative ions into the air.

2. They will purify the air.

3. It’s relaxing appearance will help you rest and reduce stress.

4. It will help relieve asthma, sinus and allergy symptoms.

Disclaimer - The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.